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Excellent Perceived Quality is always the key winning differentiator of upscale hotels nowadays.
The truism “excellent” is however, never easy to be sustained while we are facing changes every
day. Uncontrollable changes which potentially impact hotels’ perceived quality and
consequential yield performance include:
  • Word of Mouth (WOM) from genuine guests,
  • eWOM from ever-growing social media and
  • Direct competitors’ action.
What is Perceived Quality?
Perceived quality is, first, a perception by customers. It has very little or nothing to do with the
actual or objective quality excellence but is however, highly linked to customer’s purchase
intention and loyalty.
Believe what we see, be the master of change. S.E.A’s Guests Intelligence Suite (GIS) is
a highly automated tool which provides meaningful intelligence through:
  • On-site quality tracking
  • On-line social media sentiment monitoring
  • Guestizens & netizens engagement
  • Competitor set benchmarking, etc
for hoteliers to take necessary actions effectively.
By infusing our valuable intelligence into the system of operation, we progressively and
effectively assure clients to
  • Stay ahead of competitors as the perceived service elite
  • maximize guestizens and netizens engagement
  • optimize potential yield achievement